This free fiction appears here as part of The Infinite Bard, a project of the International Association of Tie-in Writers. Click on the covers below to read a couple of my own stories. Click on the titles below to read stories from my cohorts. More stories will be available in the coming weeks, so come back and check them out.

Stories by Chris A. Jackson

Stories by my fellow tie-in writers

Blind Spot by Donald Bingle  ≈  Diamond of the Sky by Azure Avians   ≈   Author of Murder by Jean Rabe

All Kinds of Ghosts by Reid Alan   ≈   A Warm Tale for a Cold Night by Debbie Mumford   ≈   Moongarden by Sarah Stegall

The Raven by Barbara G. Tarn   ≈   All That Matters is What You Believe by Phil Giunta   ≈   Doppelganger by Michael Kingswood

The Princess and the Assassin by Tony Jones   ≈   Sensing the Storm by Kari Kilgore   ≈   So Much to See by Frazer Lee   ≈   To Ashes by Leigh Dragoon

Murder and the Little Old Lady by Lorraine J. Anderson   ≈   Full Voice by Jason M. Hardy   ≈   Purple Hills by Rigel Ailur   ≈   Ice House by Debbie Mumford

Hide and Seek by Kris Katzen   ≈   Mistletoe and Murder by Lauryn Christopher   ≈   Tinsel by Frazer Lee   ≈   Ninja Angel by Jess Barry

Before She’s Gone Forever by Phil Giunta  ≈   Passed Over by Michael Kingswood   ≈   The Man in the Garbardine Suit by Lauryn Christopher

Reavers Day by Michael Kingswood   ≈   Training Day by Ben H. Rome   ≈   Innocent Spirit by Lorraine J. Anderson   ≈   Real People Romance by Kari Kilgore

Family Pride by Kris Katzen   ≈   Future Futures by Donald J. Bingle   ≈   Anamata by Amy Laurens   ≈   Unplanned Retrieval by Michael Kingswood

Worms by Jean Rabe   ≈   Race for the Gold Lion by Azure Avians   ≈   The Mummy’s Gift by Stephen D. Sullivan   ≈   Fifteen Dollars by Jackson Lowry

Prairie Dog Town Maude and the Hurricane by C. A. Rowland   ≈   Himmel by Rigel Ailur   ≈   The Beast of Bay Road by Stephen D. Sullivan

Band of Bronze by Jean Rabe   ≈   Wise Woman by Debbie Mumford   ≈   The Rescue   ≈   Cornering the Congo Creature by Stephen D. Sullivan

Stargazer by Debbie Mumford   ≈   Mischievous Angel by Reid Alan   ≈   Hungry Forest by Dana Fredsti   ≈   Ghost Town Gambit by Stephen D. Sullivan
